Absolut Peppar Flavoured Vodka (750ml)
Everybody knows that the Russian and Polish national spirit, made from rye malt and often potato starch, is vodka. However, one of the best value premium vodkas on todays market actually comes from Sweden. This superb, neutral vodka first appeared in 1979. Distilled from grain grown in the fields of Southern Sweden, Absolut was conceived as a pure product with its own peculiar Swedish identity. The distinctive bottle design was inspired by an antique medicine bottle, while the minimalist logo and absolutely clear glass emphasise the simplicity and purity of the product.
Tasting Note: A robust, full-bodied vodka with the aroma and flavour of roasted-grilled peppers, green tomato and dried herbs. Explosive, peppery flavors add great zest and concentration. 40%Alc./Vol.
Rated 91 Points - www.tastings.com
Other reviews... The piquant, intense opening bouquet offers prickly darts of black pepper and hot red chili pepper. Palate entry is mildly hot and spicy, giving off deep tastes of dried red chili pepper; at midpalate, there's a brief respite but at the finish the chili pepper heat returns, most pleasantly. Rating: 85-89 - tasting note sourced from www.wineenthusiast.com
Classic Cocktail: The Bloody Mary
This is one of the few cocktails traditionally served in the morning, along with the Screwdriver. The name Bloody Mary is used to refer to the blood-like colour of the cocktail, but may have also been derived from “Bloody” Mary Tudor, Queen of England. The order of preparation can be crucial, and many bartenders guard secret recipes for the drink.
Fernand Petiot claims to have created the Bloody Mary as we know it today and describes in The New Yorker, 18 July 1964, the manner in which he made it: “George Jessel said he created it”, says Fernand, “but it was really nothing but vodka and tomato juice when I took it over. I cover the bottom of the shaker with four large dashes of salt, two dashes of black pepper, two dashes of cayenne pepper, and a layer of Worcestershire sauce; I then add a dash of lemon juice and some cracked ice, put in two ounces of vodka and two ounces of thick tomato juice, shake, strain, and pour. We serve a hundred to a hundred and fifty Bloody Marys a day here in the King Cole Room and in the other restaurants and the banquet rooms.”
60ml Absolut Peppar Vodkaa few dashes of worcestershire sauce
a few dashes of tabasco (to taste)
tomato juice
Method: Stir or shake the vodka with the sauces and the spices. Fill up with tomato juice in a highball glass with ice. Garnish with a celery stick, if you like it and want to add some vitamins. If you don't have any fresh celery at home add celery salt. - notes partially sourced from www.drinkboy.com
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