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Bulldog Gin (700ml)
A relative newcomer to the premium Gin scene. Bulldog is a London dry Gin produced using old-time methods where neutral grain spirit is quadruple distilled utilising copper pot stills. The raw spirit is then steeped in an array of botanicals including: dragon eye, poppy, lotus leaves, lemon, almond, cassia, lavender, orris, liquorice, juniper, angelica, and coriander.
Tasting note: Clear. Lovely fresh citrus peel aromas combine with caraway, talc and juniper notes. The palate is quite concentrated, medium dry and gently warming with spice, citrus, caraway and pine flavours leading into a tingly, spicy back palate. Exceptionally persistent, drying aftertaste with a subtle mineral / anise fade. 40% Alc/.Vol.
Other Reviews: The nosing passes find classic London Dry aromas of juniper with assertive, prickly spirit and citrus. The palate entry is creamy, juniper-heavy and curiously chalky; the taste profile at mid palate is herbal, piney and citrusy. I like this gin a lot but wonder: Would it be even better at 47% abv?
90-95: Superb/Highly Recommended - www.wineenthusiast.com