Cadenheads Green Label 9 Year Old Haitian Rum (700ml)
$130. 00
$1560.00 Dozen
ABV: 46%
One of a handful of rums we've been able to source from Haiti. Influenced by the French agricole tradition, this lighter coloured style is still big on flavour. All ex bourbon oak matured, it's almost certain Cadenhead's sourced it from that very famous distillery, Barbancourt.
Notes from the bottler... Nose: Minty sweet notes along with a lively hit of eucalyptus at first but this is soon tempered by a rich sweet fruity note. Palate: Sweet and very rich to start, some tropical fruits and all spice mingle with a rich oily middle palate of soft peaches and honey. Clean soft fruity finish, summer on the beach comes to mind as this well balanced rum finishes its dance across the palate. 46% Alc./Vol.