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Few White Whiskey (750ml)
Paul Hletko, who launched 'Few Spirits' in 2011 is a man in pursuit of flavour. Hence, his new micro distillery is perhaps best defined by what it doesn't make - vodka.
"It's the opposite of what I want my spirits to be," says Hletko. "Few Spirits is about quality and flavor, and enjoying a drink. Taking the flavour out of the grain by distilling it into vodka is the opposite of what we want."
Hletko's new make is a case in point. He adds, "White whiskey has been much hated in the past because it’s either very poorly made and it’s full of distillate by-products, or it’s simple verticals of stuff that’s supposed to be treated differently,” Hletko prides his white whiskey on being “very, very clean” and has a bourbon and rye currently maturing.
Tasting notes: Flawless crystal clear appearance. A lifted aroma includes grain and toasted olive bread like notes along side hints of fruit (apple and citrus peel). Typical new make complexity. A light, clean entry continues through to a delicately spiced, lightish profile with subtle flavours of lemon meringue and white pepper on the finish. Concludes very dry with a slightly chalky mouthfeel and pleasing warmth. Nicely done. 40% Alc./Vol.