G.E. Massenez Pain d'Epices (Gingerbread) Liqueur (700ml)
$56. 99
$683.88 Dozen
ABV: 17%
The inspiration for the Crème de Pain d’Epices liqueur comes from the “liqueur de Noel", a popular drink consumed at Christmas time in Alsace. This promises the perfect backdrop for a ‘Christmas Sangria’, the refreshing version of the Christmas mulled wines in the northern hemisphere or even in cocktails like the ‘Normandy’. As for many liqueurs, the Crème de Pain d’Epices can be drizzled over desserts; fruit salads, ice creams, apricot tart and can be used to add an extra dimension to the preparation of an orange marmalade or quite simply, to accompany your favourite ginger bread.