Olifant Vodka (1000ml)
This vodka has been made exclusively from grain spirit handcrafted in small batches by J.J. Melcher's distillers in Scheidam, Holland, since 1841. Committed to producing only the finest quality vodka for his fellow Dutchmen in the distant colonies, Mr. Melcher carefully hand selected the finest Dutch grains available for Olifant, distilled them in small batches and then aged them for a smooth, unforgettable finish. The then little known vodka was named Olifant (Dutch for Elephant) and grew in popularity, making its mark on the world map.
Today, Olifant vodka is distilled three times then allowed to rest in the pot-stills before bottling. This last step enhances its smoothness.
Tasting Note: 'The label fronts one of the most luxurious spirits produced on earth - a vodka hand-crafted since 1841. Initially produced for the Dutch colonies of South and West Africa in the mid 1800s, it has since has only left its native Holland for foreign shores in 1998. The gin-like bottle and red elephant packaging may suggest the final indulgences of the Raj, but the association with your basic Gin & Tonic ends there. The nose is cool, suggesting strong but not stampeding alcohol. It starts small in the mouth, but the ensuing warm after-swallow works its leisurely way down to your toes. Yes, your toes. Unforgettable! The smile on your face will probably make one forget current fads and flashy adverts.' 40% Alc./Vol. - A.Feld. Spirit Writer, Sydney.
Other reviews... 'This carefully produced Dutch Vodka would be at the top of the heap if not for the nonpareil Grey Goose.' Rated #2 Vodka - Wall Street Journal.
'Clear. Zesty herb breadstick and black pepper nose. A bright, round entry leads to a soft, medium-bodied palate with spicy breads and grain notes follwed by a wash of citrus zest. Finishes with a long spicy, pepper fade. A dynamic vodka with an interesting flavor. Would be good on its own or a great base for bloody marys.' - Rated 88 - the Beverage Tasting Institute.
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