Ozeki Sake (750ml)
Sake, a strong rice wine, is the traditional alcoholic drink of Japan and can be drunk hot or cold. It is made from polished sake rice which is then fermented. The more polished the rice, and the more rice used, the more refined and aromatic the Sake. There are about 1600 sake breweries in Japan. Each produces at least several grades and/or types of sake. Each of these will change somewhat from year to year. The largest brewers in Japan make mostly mass-produced, inexpensive sake. While these 'run-of-the-mill' sakes are naturally less distincitve than super-premium examples, they are nevertheless produced by highly skilled brewers and make for a very acceptable drink. Ozeki is one such company with roots in Japan going back nearly 300 years. This is a classic dry style traditionally served warm or at room temperature. 15% - 16% Alc./Vol.
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