
Rutte Celery Gin (700ml)

$99. 99
$1199.88 Dozen
ABV: 43%
Rutte has been an expert in creating and distilling superb juniper-based spirits for almost 150 years. Based in Dordrecht near Rotterdam since its foundation by Simon Rutte in 1872, the range includes Rutte Old Simon Genever and this specialty "flavoured" gin, reportedly based on a 19th century recipe from the distillery’s founders. Everyday celery is the signature ingredient here, although reportedly, it doesn't dominate. It's recommended as the essential gin to use in a Red Snapper cocktail. The vegetable notes are accentuated when mixed with fresh celery and tomato juice.

Other reviews... The celery notes are quite complementary, and the overall flavor profile is not wildly contemporary. Plenty of juniper and traditional gin spice round the flavor out. I might even suggest that this is a “classic style gin” with a dash of celery. It’s not overwhelming, and it’s nicely balanced. My only critique as far as flat out taste goes, “might you have been expecting more celery from a celery flavored gin?” Overall, quite nice. - theginisin.com

"Superbly refreshing..." 5 Stars + - www.diffordsguide.com