Seven Seasons Native Yam Vodka (700ml)
South Australia,
$89. 99
$1079.88 Dozen
ABV: 40%
Today, vodka continues to be made from starch-rich agricultural produce - grain, corn, potatoes, barley, soybeans or raw materials containing sugar such as grapes, molasses and sugar beets. However, vodka is not limited to these and can actually be made from a diverse variety of other natural products such as fruit, milk, whey or honey. Add to that list, the nutty, starchy and potato-like yam. This contemporary Australian Vodka uses wild-harvested native yams from the Northern Territory. The flavours are balanced with earthy, nutty notes and a creamy mouthfeel. Try it in a dry Martini with lemon twist. 40% Alc./Vol.
Double Gold - New York World Wine & Spirits Competition 2021